Professor, Hydraulics and Water Resources
Unit Leader of Hydraulics & Coastal Engineering
Associate Director, Research Institute for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure (RICRI)
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Pipe Flows; Fluid Transients; Pipe Faults Detection;
Stochastic Modeling; Multi-Phase Flow Simulation;
Urban Flooding Analysis; Environmental Fluid Mechanics;
Coastal Engineering; Ocean Wave Modeling; CFD;
Open Channel Flows and River Hydrodynamics; etc.
Department Personal Website:Dr. Huan-Feng Duan (CEE-PolyU)
Scopus Author ID:57200804773; ORCID ID:0000-0002-9200-904X
ResearcherID (WoS):A-1369-2014; Google Scholar:My-Profile;